About Human Rights Conference

After hosting a successful first, Second, Third and Fourth Edition of the International Conference on Research in Humanities (human rights conference) in London and Paris in 2019 and Oxford in 2021, we are launching the 5th edition in Cambridge, on the 26 -28 of August 2022. We used the overwhelmingly positive feedback from our past attendees to create an even bigger and better event, that will continue to offer its attendees relevant content delivered by preeminent speakers in the field of humanities.

Learning and collaboration are at the core of the human rights conference (ICRHCONF). Join the event and experience the vibrant environment of the conference, explore one of the most beautiful cities in the world on a free guided tour, and find collaborators for your next research project. Hurry up and sign up to join the Psychological conference. We look forward to welcoming new and returning attendees to the city of lights!

human rights conference

Keynote Speaker

humanities conferences

Dr. Mounir Ben Zid

Assistant Professor at Sultan Qaboos University (College of Arts & Social Sciences, Department of English – Oman).

Title:  From the Ivory Tower to the Marketplace:

Reorienting Literature Education in the Age of Sustainability and Service-learning

Dr. Mounir Ben Zid received his M.A and Ph.D in British literature from the Sorbonne University (France). His doctoral thesis was on the romantic poet William Wordsworth. The title of his doctoral dissertation was: The Quest for Happiness in William Wordsworth. Dr. Mounir has published several articles which explore the interface between linguistics and literature and translated several poems from Arabic into English and French

Human Rights Conference Theme and Topics

The Human Rights Conference is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics: Humanities, philosophy, history, arts, Language and Literature, and Society and sociology, Other related topics will also be considered.

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. If the abstract is accepted, the author agrees to send a full-text paper, including results, tables, figures, and references. All submissions should report original and previously unpublished research results no matter the type of research paper you are presenting. Full-text papers (.docx and .doc) will be accepted by Electronic Submission Form. Manuscripts should meet the format set by the Conference committee and are subject to review.

Instructions for online submission of manuscripts.

Following the review of your abstract by the scientific committee, you will be notified electronically of its status – whether it was accepted or rejected. If your abstract paper has been accepted, congratulations! You are well on your way to present your findings to a prestigious group of peers.

humanities conferences Paper Publication Opportunity 


Psychological Conference Round Table

The psychological conference will feature various formats of learning and information sharing, including Roundtables. With limited seating, a Roundtable will give the participants an opportunity to take a deeper dive into specific topics. This is a highly interactive session and each participant is expected to contribute, be it in the form of posing relevant questions, identifying challenges, sharing research findings, or brainstorming solutions.

Best Presenter Award

Psychological conference would like to acknowledge the contribution of the most outstanding research paper to the field of Humanities by presenting its prestigious award. The last day of the event will feature the award gala and every nominee, committee member, and conference attendee is invited to participate. 

Human Rights Conference Media Partner
